Donations: $3766

Fall River School District

Sandwich Name:

Pirate Wrap

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Fall River School District


Fall River, WI

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A’Hoy maties. Come aboard if you dare and sample our treasure. Try our Caribbean inspired Pirate Wrap. Our Pirate Wrap has chicken, Caribbean Confetti Rice, and cumin refried beans all topped with Cuban Mojo sauce. These ingredients come wrapped up in either a whole wheat or spinach tortilla. Students in Cuisines and Culture class came up with this tasty sandwich while researching Caribbean cuisines. The goal was to bring Caribbean spices and fresh ingredients to our school lunch menu. They started out by testing Jamaican Jerk seasonings. Then, they found a great recipe for Confetti Rice and we added chicken. The bowl was amazing. They wanted to kick it up a notch, so the students turned their Caribbean creation into a sandwich that could be served in our cafeteria. Some of the ingredients were so local that all students had to do was harvest from our classroom aeroponic Tower Gardens. No sailing the 7 seas to find ingredients such as the spicy red peppers and parsley when you have a garden in your classroom! Our favorite additions to the wrap are Caribbean Confetti Rice and Cuban Mojo. Confetti rice is a fragrant rice recipe loaded with chiles, sweet peppers, pineapple, cilantro, and spices. Easy to make and so delicious. Cuban Mojo sauce is a blend of cilantro, parsley, garlic and orange juice. An added bonus of mojo sauce is that it can keep scurvy at bay. Refried beans were added to increase the protein in this dish and help the ingredients stick together. Whether you want to hop aboard our ship to taste Jamaican Jerk or swim in the seas to try our Cuban Mojo, you will not be disappointed with our bountiful sandwich.